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Common Causes of Back and Neck Problems Part 2

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There are many causes of back pain. When spinal problems arise, it can turn your life upside down. Read about more causes and find out how Huffman Clinic can help you with back pain.


Spondylosis is also known as osteoarthritis of the spine. It results from degeneration of the cartilage which coats the facet joints of the spine. When the cartilage breaks down, the joint does not move smoothly which can cause pain and stiffness. Bone spurs can also form due to damage to the bone.


Spondylolisthesis is the slipping of vertebrae forward or backward onto the disc below. Changes from general wear and tear make it hard for your joints and ligaments to keep your spine in the proper position. The vertebrae move more than they should, and one vertebra can slide in front of another. If too much slippage occurs, the bones may begin to press on the spinal nerves. This can lead to pinched nerves.

Compression Fractures:

Compression fractures occur when too much pressure is placed on a vertebra and the front of it cracks and loses height. This may happen with a hard fall or other traumatic injuries. More often, compression fractures are due to osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones.


Compression or pinching of the nerve root or the spinal nerves can create pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness.


Myelopathy happens when there is damage to the spinal cord itself. This can develop from spinal stenosis and arthritic changes in the spine and can result in weakness, numbness, and problems with coordination.

When Is Surgery Needed?

Spinal surgery may be recommended for many reasons, the most common of which are:

• To alleviate back pain

• To restore lost function

• To correct instability

• To correct deformity

• To improve the quality of your life

At Huffman Clinic, we diagnose and treat a wide variety of these common causes so that you can start feeling like yourself again. When back pain starts to intervene in your life, it’s essential to see a spine surgeon or spine doctor so you can start treatment immediately. Contact Huffman Clinic today and start your journey towards a healthier life.